Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Solo Competition

Today has exceeded all of my expectations.  My dear friend Dustin came from Jacksonville and my Uncle Mitch and Aunt Pam came to see Zoe perform.  And I must say, Zoe was amazing!!  As a matter of fact she got a special judges award that was titled "You Are Amazing".  She got a Platinum score which is only given to the top 3 to 5% or so of all entries (of which there are almost 1100 total entries in the competition).  I never expected this.  Very cool, very awesome, very amazing!  Zoe got second place overall in her category!  Wow!! And we ended the day w/ Zoe and Dustin going on the SlingShot.  Crazy ride man!!  Here are some pictures from our day.
Getting ready in the morning!

Practicing some moves- so smooth!!

Great Uncle Mitch and Aunt Pam came for the competition!

Talking to Memere before competing. 

Zoe got Platinum!!!  And a special judges award!!

Aunt Dustin and Zoe after the competition

Dustin and Zoe Sling Shot!!


  1. Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, congratulations on your platinum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!! so proud of you. I wish you were here so I could kiss you and hug you. NICE JOB!!!! Dad!

  2. Oh! I wish I could go on the slingshot with you. I guess Dustin was the lucky winner! I'm sad. Dad :(
