Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 10: Closing Banquet

Nationals 2015 ended with a final closing banquet on Saturday July 4th. 

One final opportunity for Jordan to wear her crown & sash and one final parade of dresses. 

Jordan with Jason Cosner the President of Dance Masters of Southern California Chapter 1. 

Rachel Uter who was in the Miss Dance of America division from Chapter 1

Summer & Jordan

The girls with Jason carry the Chapter 1 banner for parade of Chapters at the start of the banquet. 

The girls with Shely

The Shely Pack Dancers title holders from Chapter 1 with Shely & Jason


Granddad & Grandma B representing

Some glamour shots with friends

Very patriotic 

Final pics of Zoe & Jordan

And now for some pictures of the girls from the competition photographer..........

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