Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 1: Jordan’s Solo Preview

Last night all the title contestants got their official backpack, leotard for the opening number the night of the solo competition (which is Tuesday night for Jordan), and their tee shirt along with the official program for the competition. 

Jordan’s day started at a reasonable hour- 7am. YAY for that!  This morning each of the contestants performs their solo for the judges. It is not scored,  just an opportunity for the judges to see all the contestants individually prior to the competition beginning this afternoon.  There are also no spectators for this. Just the 5 judges & the contestant’s teacher. 

Here’s Jordan reviewing her solo on her phone to "get in the zone" prior to going to check in for her solo time. 

Oh!  She also got her official Junior Miss Dance Pacific Coast jacket last evening from the Chapter 1 President Mr. Jason Coosner. Nice job on the jackets Jason! 

Here she is rehearsing before being called in to perform her solo. 

And....heading in to perform. 

She was very nervous prior to going in to the room. But as the door opened for her to enter, she straightened up, held her head high, and strutted in looking like she had all the confidence in the world. Way to beat those nerves JoJo & just go for it!  

Miss Grace said it was the best she’s seen Jordan do her solo. Whew!  Next hurtle conquered.  

Now we’ll meet Zoe for some lunch then get ready to kill it in the afternoon session. Onward........

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