Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 1: Dinner, Jacket and Early to Bed

Cheers to the start of the Grisim 2016 Nationals Adventure! 

Daddy is so proud of his girls. 

After a delicious dinner we headed over to the convention center to scope out the competition and check-in. There's Zoe!

Go Teen Miss Dance Contestant #20!

And fellow Shely Pack Dancer, Tegan, who is competing for Junior Miss Dance. 

And definitely the highlight of the day, getting the title jacket. 

Zoe & Tegan proudly representing Chapter 1. 

Quick chat with Miss Shely & Miss Grace then time to call it an early night. 

Big day of competing tomorrow for Zoe starting with an early morning orientation to review the rules & logistics for the week with all the title holders. 

Here's hoping Zoe gets a good night sleep tonight. 🙏😴💤

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