Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 2.5 plus 3: Opening Ceremony & Competing

Zoe ready for Opening Number performance.
Last night's Opening Ceremony and Party was awesome!  Zoe performed in the opening number of the show w/ girls from all over the U.S.  It was a fast paced upbeat number to Footloose and it got a standing ovation!  Pretty amazing for them just learning it the evening before.  Zoe had a blast doing it!  Then the girls danced the night away to a DJ at the party w/ all their friends.  Today Zoe did a ballet and then a jazz dance workshop in the morning an then Jordan and Zoe both competed one group number each this afternoon.  Zoe and Jordan's Memere and Pepper and cousins Andrew and Noah, along with Granddad and Grandma B were all there to see them perform.  This evening Jasmine (from Zoe's group) competed for Petite Miss Dance of America.  She did amazing!!  Competition still not over yet so not sure how she did yet.  Had to bring Jordan and Zoe back to the room before it was over so they could go to bed.  Jordan could not keep her eyes open any longer.  We need to be up at 7:30am tomorrow for a big day of competing.  Zoe competes 3 group numbers as well as her solo and Jordan will be competing her second and final group number for the week.  Gonna be a busy day for sure!  And of course, the pictures.....
Jordan ready to boogie at Opening Party.

Opps, not quite ready yet! 

Gabby and Jasmine- our Teen and Petite Miss Dance of California contestants!

Girls having fun at the party!

Grandma B's good friend Joan was in So Cal. & came to see Zoe in the opening number!

Jordan's group stretching w/ Miss Grace before the competition this afternoon.

All the family was there to support the girls!!

Now time for awards.  Both numbers got a Gold award!!

Zoe and Jordan going to see Jasmine compete this evening for Petite Miss Dance of America

And here she is proudly representing Chapter 13!!

And here she is again.  This girls can jump!!

Picture from yesterday.  Ending pose from Cat routine w/ my little Jordan pie in the middle!!

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