Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 6: Last Day to Compete Unless.........

Today was the last day for Zoe to compete a group number.  They competed Chinatown and got a Platinum award!  Totally unexpected since they had some mistakes in the number.  But it is a very cool routine with lots of acrobatic tricks in it so obviously the judges liked it.  They also got a special judges award for it called "Artistry".  Tonight is the Miss and Mr. Dance of America competition where Matty will compete.  There are 30 girls and 17 boys competing.  That makes 47 solos in a row.  WOW!  That's alot of solos in a row (read between the lines here people!).  Then tomorrow at 9am they will do the High Score awards and announce which numbers will make it into the Grand Nationals Competition tomorrow evening.  Zoe is hoping for a High Score award for her solo.  There were 88 solos in the 12 and under category and the Top 10 get High Score awards.  The Top 5 go to Grand Nationals tomorrow evening to compete for 1 overall 12 and under winner.  Of course, will blog to let you know how it goes. :) 

Here's a few pictures from each if their numbers (except for one number cuz I didn't get any pictures of it!).

Little ballerinas

When She Loved Me

Skaters Waltz

Violet Hour

Zoe and Jas

Jordan Cat

Big smiles

Zoe's signature leap

Zoe is the "Panche Princess" (a previous judges award she got!)

Layout during solo


Chinatown- Zoe is in the center on her elbows

Harry Potter finale

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Could you please tell me where the Skaters Waltz costume was purchased from? i.e. what costume website?
