Friday, March 21, 2014

Judges Interviews and Auditions

This afternoon/evening was judges interviews and auditions in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary and acrobatics. Zoe is feeling great about how she did in everything.  So far so good. And Jordan, my little second grade trooper, held her own in the Petite auditions. I am so proud of both of the girls!  

Lunch before getting ready for interview.  

Zoe getting ready for interview

Final touches on hair

Zoe and Jordan ready to go. 

Zoe and Charlie before judges interviews

Schedule of activities

Judges and choreographers for the weekend 

Zoe is contestant #3. Her favorite number!  

Jordan is #15 for Petite group auditions. 

Orientation prior to starting auditions

Zoe getting ready for Ballet audition

Ready to go!! 

Jordan with Daddy afterwards. Our little sweet pea did great!  

Shely talking with Zoe and Charlie post auditions. 

Back at the room. Big day. Time for bed. Up at 6am for rehearsal first thing in the morning followed by dance workshops all day then another 5pm rehearsal. Still smiling. All is good!  

Jordan's ready for bed but not too tired for one last pose. 

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting times. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for the Grism clan.
