Sunday, March 23, 2014

Junior Miss Dance 2014 Competition

The competition started w/ an opening number that all the contestants performed. 

Here's Miss Shely coaching Zoe prior to the opening number. 

And Miss Grace talking to the girls. 

Zoe is feeling good and ready to strut her stuff!  Opening number was a hit. 
Zoe's solo was a lyrical number to Silent Night. And although you can't tell from the picture, I spent a week stoning her costume with Swarovski crystals. It was beautiful and sparkled like the night sky under the lights. 
Miss Grace doing final touches to her hair. 
Zoe and Charlie ready for their solos. 

Zoe nailed her solo. It was flawless. Best I've ever seen her dance!  Here she is dressed for awards ceremony. 

Zoe wins Junior Miss Dance of Southern California 2014!! 

And Charlie wins for Teen Miss Dance!!

Girls are all smiles once again!!

Zoe and Shely

Shely Pack Dancers swept the competition! Summer wins in the Petite category!!

Happy Girl!  

Proud Dad and Granddad!

Proud little sister 

Granddad and Grandma B so happy they made the trip!  

Dinner at Uncle Mike and Aunt Donna's house in Huntington Beach. Here's    Cousin Noah whose graduating from High School this year. When did he get so tall?!

Daddy couldn't be more proud of his two dance stars. 

Jordan is crowning next year's Junior division winner. 

Congratulations Bradyshnikov!  

After dinner we all took a ride on the Marino's boat in Huntington Harbor.  Man were there some amazing yachts!  

My sister Donna w/ Brad

Captain Mike

Here's Granddad still getting teary whenever he talked about Zoe's solo

And Zoe relaxing after her big win!  

It was an exciting, amazing, exhausting weekend!  Another one for the memory books!  

Look out Dance Masters of America in Orlando Florida this summer, here we come!!!!!   

1 comment:

  1. So proud of the girls! And whoever came up with Bradishnikov, brilliant - ha!
