Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 6: Back to Competing

Got our sightseeing on, had a good lunch & then back to competing.  The Junior & Senior Shely Pack competition teams both competed Elements together, which is an extended production number. 

Back to stretching. Always more stretching......

Mom!  Stop taking pictures!!  I'm trying to stretch!! 

Rehearsing with Miss Grace

Waiting back stage

Zoe & Jordan with Summer & Tegan after competing

Getting feedback from Miss Grace

Group photo with the competition photographer

Zoe checking out the photo to see if you can see everyone's face

Selfie with Daddy prior to Zoe getting changed (AGAIN!) & heading off to an hour & a half Jazz audition

Jordan getting a lift from Daddy back to the room after a long day and a little shopping at the dance wear vendor. 

You guessed it, new dance wear bling! 

Now time to get ready to see Jasmine compete this evening for Junior Miss Dance of America!  Go Jazzy!!!

Day 6: Duck Tour of Boston

Grisim family sightseeing.  Took the duck tour and learned a lot of Boston history that I forgot from 5th grade.  

Here's our motley crew waiting to board our duck- quack, quack.  

Both the girls got a turn dribing the duck on the Charles River

Picture of our duck (on land) and a local church reflected in the glass of a building that is solid glass panels for 50 floors. 

And here's our official Grisim Family Duck Tour photo. Can I get another Quack, Quack!!

Day 6: Competing, Sightseeing & More Competing

After getting to bed at 12:30am, had another early day (what else is new?!).  The senior competition team competed Arabian Nights a dynamic acrobatics number. 

Stretching their backs before competing

Team huddle with Miss Grace for some last minute pointers 

Photo Bomb by unknown man

Arabian Nights scored a Platinum & a special judges award!!!

Now for a quick change & the Duck Tour

Day 5: Jordan Competes for Petite Miss Dance of America

After the opening routine we got her dressed in her costume for her solo. A musical theater number from Oklahoma. She was nervous but excited. 

Then Grace came to help her stretch & run through her routine a few times. 

And a big hug prior to performing. 

Jordan did fabulous!  So much personality!  Then was her favorite part- putting on her gown for the awards ceremony.  She looked beautiful if I do say so myself. Of course I did her hair! 

And yes, it was definitely the pink show! 

One last picture of all the contestants in their dresses before the awards. 

Although Jordan did not place in the top 10, she had a blast, made a ton of new friends and had an all around memorable life experience.  And for her first time competing a solo at nationals everyone couldn't be more proud of her!! 

Final congratulations from her biggest fan, Granddad!  

Zoe & Charlie both fierce in blue

Day 5: Petite Miss Dance of America Competition

So I'm a day behind. Have had no time to blog. Today is Tuesday but first need to back track to yesterday. We were very excited to be able to sleep in yesterday morning for the first time. But much to our dismay at 0600 we get an emergency announcement blasting in our room telling us to remain calm but we need to evacate the hotel. So we put on our flip flops and hit the stairwell on the 15 floor packed with other sleepy occupants.  We head down 4 flights of stairs before they called on "all  clear" and we headed back to bed. We found out later someone had pulled the fire alarm.  Nice move!   

First up for the day, Zoe competed a contemporary number with Callan, Jasmine & Courtney called Angel on Fire.  They looked amazing and scored a Platinum!  

Then Zoe had a ballet audition in the late afternoon while Jordan and I got ready for her big competition last night. Jordan had a bout of nerves kick in as we were doing her hair & Mom called Miss Grace STAT!  She came to our room for a pep talk & all was good once again. Whew!  

Here she is with Daddy ready to go!  

Mom has her costume and gown and curling iron and shoes and........

Fellow contestants getting briefed before the opening number. 

Jordan & a competitor she made friends with. 

Everyone wished Jordan good luck. 

Grandma Kenlynn


Miss Shely & Grace gave Jordan a cute pink monkey that Jordan loved!  

And of course big sister gave last minute advice. 

And one last hug from Daddy

The opening number of the competition was an awesome upbeat routine that all the Petite contestants learned over the past few days. 

Now on to the solo part of the competition........

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 4: Zoe Wins for Her Solo & Opening Night Party

Man what a crazy day!  11:30pm now & been going since 5:30am. Waiting on room service so thought I'd get a blog in. 

Seems like so much happened so will give the highlights. First, Zoe got some lunch between competing!  Here's the proof:

And she even drank a frappacino between her 2 solos. 

Zoe & Jordan before Zoe competed Arabian Nights

Shely talking with girls afterwards. They did great!  

Zoe ended up getting a Platinum (which is the highest scoring category) for her Gone contemporary solo & 2nd overall!!  She got a Gold for her pointe solo. 

Tonight was the official competition opening party where all the contestants competing for the solo title competition from all the states parade in.  Jordan was beyond excited to be representing Chapter 1. 

Shely Pack title holders with Shely

Summer & Jordan 

Fellow Petite contestants

Proud Daddy

Daddy's little girl with her BFF

Grandma Kenlynn

Kiss from Granddad

Granddad & Grandma B with Zoe

Jordan with BFF Sydney

Zoe catching up with dancers competed against last year

And of course with Callan her BFF since kindergarten 

Tomorrow is Jordan's big day!  She competes her solo for Petite Miss Dance of America!  Oh boy!!  Food is here. Goodnight all!