Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 4: Competing Starts for Zoe

Yep- mom is definitely weary today.  But sleep is overrated anyway.  

Was a tough start to the morning.  Up at 5:30am ET and the breakfast I ordered the night before didn't come in time for Zoe to eat before needing to meet her team for warm-up. 

Here she is doing her makeup 

And here's her breakfast that finally arrived. I brought it to her but it went untouched cuz she didn't have time for it.   Fortunately she ate the banana!  

First group number was a pointe routine. Here they are warming up. 

And out the door to compete!  

Waiting backstage

They did pretty good given the fact that 2 of the girls arrived at the hotel last night at midnight & one girl didn't get in until after 2:30am!  But who needs sleep, it's Nationals!  

Immediately after competing the first group number Zoe had to get to 2 auditions- one in modern & the second in acrobatics. This is where they are taught a combination then they need to perform it for the judges & get scored. 

Here's Zoe stretching

Ok next up Jordan competes her first group number.  More later...........

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