Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 4: Zoe Wins for Her Solo & Opening Night Party

Man what a crazy day!  11:30pm now & been going since 5:30am. Waiting on room service so thought I'd get a blog in. 

Seems like so much happened so will give the highlights. First, Zoe got some lunch between competing!  Here's the proof:

And she even drank a frappacino between her 2 solos. 

Zoe & Jordan before Zoe competed Arabian Nights

Shely talking with girls afterwards. They did great!  

Zoe ended up getting a Platinum (which is the highest scoring category) for her Gone contemporary solo & 2nd overall!!  She got a Gold for her pointe solo. 

Tonight was the official competition opening party where all the contestants competing for the solo title competition from all the states parade in.  Jordan was beyond excited to be representing Chapter 1. 

Shely Pack title holders with Shely

Summer & Jordan 

Fellow Petite contestants

Proud Daddy

Daddy's little girl with her BFF

Grandma Kenlynn

Kiss from Granddad

Granddad & Grandma B with Zoe

Jordan with BFF Sydney

Zoe catching up with dancers competed against last year

And of course with Callan her BFF since kindergarten 

Tomorrow is Jordan's big day!  She competes her solo for Petite Miss Dance of America!  Oh boy!!  Food is here. Goodnight all!  

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