Sunday, August 21, 2011

San Francisco Chronicle newspaper article & Relay for Life Performance

Last Saturday the San Francisco Chronicle did an article on Zoe's dance teacher Shely Pack and it included some pictures of Zoe and her dance class.  Here's a few pictures that the SF Chronicle photographer took and that you can also see posted on the SF Chronicle web site. If you are interested in reading the article, I have included the link below.  In order to see all the Chronicle pictures on-line click on the first picture in the article and you will be able to see all 11 of them.

SF Chronicle pciture of Zoe leaping!

Shely teaching class

Shely and Zoe's best friend Callan

That's Zoe's feet!
Now here's the top half!

Also, yesterday some of the Shely Pack Dancers performed at the American Cancer Association Relay for Life fundraising event in Half Moon Bay.  It was a cool, windy summer day in HMB and only 4 of the girls from Zoe's junior competition team performed.  So here's some pictures:

Zoe, Jasmine, Callan and Hillary

That's Zoe in the front

Rock and Roll High School

Hillary, Callan, Jasmine and Zoe

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