Saturday, September 24, 2011

Journey to Dance Masters of California (DMC) Competition

So here we are gearing up for the November DMC competition!  This year Zoe will be competing for Junior Miss Dance of California in addition to competing some group numbers with her junior competition team.  It's a lot of fun but a lot of work too!  Zoe is busy learning a new solo with Shely two days a week for the "Solo Title Competition" (aka: Junior Miss Dance of California) choreographed to a song from the musical The Fantasticks called  "Soon It's Gonna Rain".   Zoe is also dancing 6 days a week in group classes working on technique and rehearsing the group numbers for the team competition.  In addition to learning and practicing her various routines, we just completed the application process which was quite extensive.  There were many forms to fill out, a resume to develop and submit (yes a resume for a (almost) 10 year old!) and a copy of her birth certificate that was needed.   Last Sunday we went to the photographer to get head shots done which will be displayed in the lobby the night of the solo competition.  We also got her oufit for her interview with the judges as well as her dress for the awards ceremony.

But my favorite part of prepping for the competition is Zoe's solo costume!  We got lots of great ideas from the national dance competition in Florida this July and Zoe is great at sketching out our ideas.  Last weekend we went to pick out the fabric and color of the costume and also had an initial appointment with the costume designer, Lorna.   Today we went back to see Lorna for Zoe to have her first costume fitting.  We are so excited about her costume and think it's going to be beautiful!  Here's some pictures of our journey so far:
Lots of paperwork to submit the application

Here's my resume

This fabric is pretty

I like this color

Oh, blue is nice

I think we found it!

Initial fitting of the skirt

Now the straps
The back will be beautiful!

Let's add some detailing here
Now we're ready to pick out some crystals
for some extra sparkle!

So many beautiful colors to pick from!

This is my favorite part!

This one is so pretty.  But wrong color. 
Maybe next costume!
Ok, back to rehearsals!  Will blog again as we get into October and Zoe begins practicing with the other contestants for the opening number to be performed the night of the competition.  Until then, when life gets you down, just dance!

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