Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day One: Traveling to Anaheim & Getting Settled In

Here we are at the Anaheim Marriott and Convention Center.  Big day of traveling (with our 6 suitcases!) and getting settled into the room.  Flight went well and Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike picked us up at the airport.  Got to the room by 3pm, unpacked all the costumes and hung them in the closet.  They all made the trip unharmed and looking pretty good!  Yeah!  Connected with Granddad and Grandma B for an early dinner and then Zoe was offf to rehearsal at 6pm for the opening number tomorrow night.  Had a few glitches at rehearsal (like NO music when they rehearsed on stage!) but Zoe seems to have gotten the number down pretty well.  Girls are in bed asleep for tomorrow's busy day.  Neeed to be up at 6am for breakfast, hair and make-up and then need to be downstairs by 7:30am.  Jordan competes in prelims at 8:30am followed by Zoe's 2 numbers at 9:45a and 10:30a.  Whew!  And now, some pictures from the day...........
Jordan up bright and early and ready to travel!

Zoe's ready to hit the road!

And so is Jordan!

At the airport w/ LOTS of luggage.

Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike at Long Beach airport.

Granddad and Grandma B ready to see some dancing!

Keith asked the waitress to pick him out a beer.  Need I say more.

Opening number rehearsal for Zoe from 6p to 9p.

Dominque and Darraugh are in the opening number for the 13 and over group. 

Meeting the choreographers.

Jordan enjoying a beverage on the deck while Zoe is at rehearsal. 

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