Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 2: Preliminary Competition

Day 2 at DMA was an eventful one!  I was up at 6am and woke the girls at 6:30am.  Breakfast, hair and make-up and down to the competition area by 7:30am.  Jordan performed Everybody Wants to be a Cat and Zoe did Skaters Waltz and Violet Hour.  They both did great and had lots of family to cheer them on- Granddad, Grandma B, Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike as well as Pat and Helen were all there.  After competing in the morning we went for a hour to play in the pool before going to dance workshops this afternoon.  Zoe had a fabulous contemporary class and then a jazz class and Jordan did a jazz class.  Now we are back in the room for a movie and some downtime before the Opening Ceremonies and Party tonight where Zoe will be performing in the opening number.  And now, the pictures.
We have to get up now?!!

Man is it early!

But not too early to expertly apply my make-up!

Jordan's ready to dance!

Everybody wants to be a Cat!

Getting ready for Skaters Waltz

The cat pose!

The ballerina.

Jordan Pie

Zo Zo

Petite Co. doing a group pose

And another

Skaters Waltz

And another

Violet Hour

Zoe doing a Panche

Pool Time!

Now dance workshops

Jordan is toast!  Fell asleep waiting for Zoe to be done with her jazz workshop.

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