Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 3: Interview with the Judges

This morning we got to sleep in until 4am west coast time. Woo hoo!  Guess since we're on day 3 I gotta make the switch and stop going by west coast time.  ;)

The day started for Jordan with a panel interview with the 5 judges. The interview portion is worth 15 points from each judge. They drop the highest and lowest score and take the middle 3 scores for a total of 45 points. 

Jordan's favorite part of the process is the interview. This girl has no problem taking center stage & chatting!  

Fellow Shely Pack Dancer, Courtney who is competing in the Teen division, was looking good but anxious to get this part of the competition over with. 

Jordan with some of her fellow contestants waiting to go in for their interviews. I think she is the tallest out of all the Petite division contestants. 

Here she is with a new friend, Miranda, who is Petite Miss Dance contestant #10 from the Midwest Chapter 47

Jordan was all smiles when she came out of her interview. She said she made the judges laugh & that they clapped for her after she sang them part of Uptown Funk from Bruno Mars (which is her favorite song of course).  Way to ace your interview Jordan!  

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