Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 4: Jordan Competes Her First Group Routine

I let Jordan sleep in while I took Zoe down to compete.  Even at 7:30am she's still smiling & ready to pose. 

Finally getting an opportunity to chat with her best buddy Sydney. 

Obviously was a good story!

Rehearsing with her team

Getting some last minute advice from Miss Grace

Only 5 of the 9 Junior team members came to Nationals so they had to rechoreograph the junior team routines after the recital last weekend & only 2 days before leaving for nationals. They did great!  Obviously little pros in the making.  

Zoe is competing 6 more numbers this afternoon- 3 solos & 3 group numbers. Whew!  Mom's main objective is to make sure she eats lunch in between competing!!

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