Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dance Masters of So. California 2016

Time for Jordan to finish her reign as Petite Miss Dance of So. Cal. and crown the 2016 winner. 

And Zoe competed for Teen Miss Dance. She was contestant #5

Here is Ms. Wendy helping her pin her contestant number on her leotard. 

Shely Pack girls ready for judges evaluations in ballet; tap; jazz; modern & acrobatics. 

Next was judges interviews for Zoe & Tegan (who was competing for Junior Miss Dance). 

Zoe practicing answers to potential questions her friends think the judges might ask. 

Next day was the competition. It started early with rehearsals for the opening number of the title competition. Jordan's in the middle. 

Lots of family came to see the girls compete. Here's Pepere & Jordan before the competition. 

And Jordan with Aunt Donna & Uncle Mike. 

Some touch up on make-up from Lynnette. 

And a final check by big sis. 

Zoe & Tegan were both excited to do the opening number and then compete their solos. Neither of them seemed too nervous. 

After Jordan performed her farewell solo she got dressed in her gown to give her farewell speech. Mom was teary. 

Then Zoe's division competed their solos. Zoe felt good about how she did. But there was some stiff competition in her division. 

Dressed & ready for results. 

Waiting for results was tense because there was a tie in the Junior Division & the judges had to deliberate. 

But Tegan won!!  And Teen Miss Dance of So. California 2016 is........ This was the view Mom had from the back stage monitor. 

Yea Zoe!!

And Tegan won Junior Miss Dance!!  So well deserved!! 

Happy girls. 

Team picture with Shely, Grace & Wendy with the Shelt Pack Dancers 2015 title holders and new 2016 title holders. 

Family picture. 

Proud Daddy

Nashville here we come for Dance Masters of America 2016 National competition in July. Woo hoo!!

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