Friday, May 6, 2016

Masquerade Teen Division

The Masquerade Dance Competition began this evening with the Teen Division solos. Zoe competed 2 solos- her contemporary solo called Lost & her pointe variation Dulcinea. 

On the elevator going down to compete. 

With Tegan after they competed their pointe variations. 

And of course, with her best friend Callan who did fabulous in her solo. She got a Platinum award as well as got into the Top 10 in the Teen Division!!  Way to go Callan! 

Zoe got Platinum awards for both her 
solos & she got the highest cumulative 
score for her 2 solos in the whole Teen Division & won the Teen Miss Dance title. 

HUGE trophy & a gorgeous crystal masquerade mask & yes, another jacket!  

Tomorrow Jordan competes her solo & 2 group routines. Time for Mom to go night-night!  ðŸ˜˜

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