Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The London Spring Tour 2017

Well our trip started out great.  We got to the airport 2 hours early, check our bags, breezed through TSA Pre Check and headed straight to the United Club for a cocktail (for me!) and a snack prior to boarding the plane. 

After a tasty treat, we proceeded to our gate & boarded the plane.  As is custom in Business/First Class we were promptly served a drink.  Ah, a nice glass of bubbly for me & a kid-friendly cold beverage for Zoe. 


No sooner do we pull away from the gate than the captain comes on & says there is a mechanical issue & we head back to the gate.  After two glasses of champagne & sitting on the plane for about an hour, the captain announces that we need to deplane.  

6 hours later, at 1am, we are finally off to London!  Unfortunately we will miss the group orientation & dinner & ride on the London Eye in the evening with the tour group.  Ah well, such is the joy of traveling!  We'll just chalk it up to being part of our adventure. But here's hoping the rest of our travels go a little more smoothly this next week!  ðŸ˜Š

The minute we board the second plane it's lights out for Zoe. And look who came along for the trip. It's Audie!  Quite the world traveler that (not so) stuffed animal!  

 Good night all!  See you in London!  ðŸ˜˜

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