Thursday, March 9, 2017

The London Spring Tour- Day 1.5

Following lunch & some sightseeing, we headed back to the Tube to travel to Studio 68. Along with the Pineapple Dance Studios it is one of the most famous dance studios in London.  


First Zoe took a Contemporary Fusion class.  The instructor was amazing.  And in a packed class of a bunch of talented dancers he called Zoe out to do the combination all on her own. Zoe was thrilled. Her she is with him. I can't remember his name. Darn!  


The last class of the day was a hip hop.  And although it's a type of dance Zoe hardly ever does, she loved the class & the teacher and had a blast doing it. She even had some swagga.  ðŸ˜…


 Tomorrow we go to Move It. It is the largest dance convention in the world. They expect 25,000 people to attend over the course of the weekend. Can't wait!!  Lots more dance classes tomorrow.  Bye for now....

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