Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Day 5: Junior Miss Dance of America Competition

The contestants needed to be backstage at 6:30p The evening started with a rehearsal of the ending procession & line-up for the awards. Then they all had time to stretch before the opening number. 

Great to have big sister to help with stretching & to help calm the nerves. 

A few words of advice and encouragement from teacher Miss Grace. 

And a hug and a gift from Ms. Shely. 

The opening number with all the contestants was so high energy & dynamic!  So impressive in the short period of time they had to learn it. Sorry no pictures from it as photos & videos are not allowed. 

After the opening number all the contestants one at a time introduce themselves & the Dance Masters chapter that they are representing.  Thry they go change into their costumes for the solo competition. 

After Jordan changed into her costum there was more stretching with big sis. Always more stretching. 


It was so sweet for the Petites to come see Jordan compete even though it was past their bedtime.  ❤️

Jordan danced wonderfully!  I could hardly believe that was my little Sweet Pea up there on stage looking so beautiful & elegant. And although she didn’t place as a finalist, she won Top Scoring Interview!!  I could not be more proud of my JoJo!  Quite an impressive feat to be able to sit in front of a panel of 5 judges at 12 years old & have an interview AND to win!  WOW!  Proud Mama. 🤗  That is a skill which will serve her well for the rest of her life. 👍

Thanks to all her dance friends who were there cheering her on!  💝💕

And very special to have Gramdma Kenlynn there to watch her dance! 

Ms Shely & Miss Grace were very proud of her. 

Well another solo title competition in the history books. Now maybe Mom can stop being so nervous & relax a little & enjoy the rest of the week watching their group competitions. 😅

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