Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Day 6: Team Competing & Teen Miss Dance Competition 

Happy 4th of July to all! πŸŽ‰  Here’s to all the brave men & women who have served our country, included Pepere & Granddad, so that we all can have our freedom!  God Bless America. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Land that I love. ❤️

The day started early at 5:30am after getting to bed after midnight last night after the Junior Miss Dance competition concluded & Jordan did her photo shoot for winning Top Interview.  The team competed 2 group numbers in the morning, one called Ice then one called Strings.  

Rehearsing at 6:45am is rough in the best of circumstances. But after less than 6 hours of sleep it’s really rough.  Nonetheless, being the amazing kids that they are, they came together and after scoring a High Gold in Prelims, they got a Platinum award today for Ice!  

Strings was up next. One of my favorite numbers of all of them. It’s such a creative routine with so many complexities & so much going on with it, and at any moment something disasterous could go wrong.   However, today it was fabulous!!  No technical difficulties, no glitches, everything hit just right as it should.  And it’s the first time ever that they have performed it that the ending was perfectly synchronized. The music builds up & there is lots of chaos on stage & then they all hit the floor on their backs in total unison & it so dramatic! BOOM! πŸ‘Š Nailed it!! 

They scored a Platinum for Strings & got a Special Award called Creative Choreography!  πŸ’₯ Nice job ladies!  Hope to see this one again in the Grand National Finals on Friday!!  πŸ”₯

Awards ceremony & lots of smiling faces.  Here’s to the fabulous Shely Pack Dancers!  πŸ‘―‍♀️πŸ‘―‍♀️πŸ‘―‍♀️πŸ‘―‍♀️

Our adorable Petite Competition team also competed for their first time at Nationals to a number called Everyone Wants to be a Cat.  Here they are backstage watching the competition prior to competing. Just the cutest ever!  πŸ’•  And they scored a High Gold for their number. Yay Petites!! 😻

Tonight Jasmine competed her solo in the Teen Miss Dance of America competition.  She was amazing!  We are so proud of her.  She placed in the Top 10 which is a huge accomplishment because the talent was so strong in the Teen division. Big Congratulations to Jasmine! πŸŽ‰

Tomorrow is another early start with the girls competing 5 group numbers. It’s well past midnight again but luckily both Zoe & Jordan are sound asleep.  So it’s time for me to close out Day 6, now start of Day 7, & get a little shut eye before doing it all again tomorrow. Such is the life of a dance mom.  Despite the craziness & stress, I know I am truely fortunate to have these experiences with my daughters.  They may not all be happy moments, but each of them is a precious memory & a gift to be treasured for a lifetime. πŸ’  I am so grateful.  

Good night my friends.  πŸ˜˜

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