Saturday, July 7, 2018

Day 8: High Score Awards & Grand Nationals Championship

Friday started with the High Score Awards ceremony and announcements of which numbers made it into the Grand Nationals Championship that night.  Here’s the Shely Pack team on the stage waiting for awards to begin. 

First up they announced the scholarship winners from the audition classes in tap, ballet, jazz, modern & acrobatics.  Zoe did the ballet, jazz & modern audition classes & she won 1st Place in Ballet!  She was thrilled. 👏  There were 70 kids in the class all age 13 & over.  Nice job ZoZo!  💥

Next were the High Score awards for each Division followed by the Overall awards.  Zoe won 3rd in Division 5 Solos out of 82 solos.  Zoe also got 12th Place Overall for all Solos ages 13 & over which there were 220.  WOW!! 

Zoe & Jordan got 2nd Place in Division 4 Duo/Trios & 2nd Place Overall for all Duo/Trios ages 13 & over which there 56 numbers.  Sweet!! 

Other Shely Pack numbers that placed:

-Flatline: 1st Place Division 4 Small Lines & 6th Place Overall Small Lines ages 13 & over 

- Strings: 2nd Place Division 4 Small Lines

- California Dream’in: 1st Place Division 5 Groups; 2nd Place Overall Groups ages 13 & over

- Spine: 6th Place in Division 5 Groups & 7th Place Overall ages 13 & over Groups

There were 4 Shely Pack numbers that got into the Grand Nationals Championship. Grand Nationals is the Top 5 routines 12 & under as well as 13 & over in the following categories- Solos; Duo/Trios; Groups; Small line & Large line/Extended (which are designated by the number of kids in the routine) with Extended being a routine longer than 2 minutes, 50 seconds which is the length of every other routine that is not Extended. 

These are the Shely Pack numbers that got into Grand Nationals for ages 13 & over:

- Ghost: Duo/Trios

- Flatline: Small Line

- California Dream’in: Groups

- Ice: Extended

After the announcements were made, the team met with Miss Grace to review the routines on video taken of them competing the numbers this week. They took time going through each video while Miss Grace would pause it to give them notes & corrections on arm placement or spacing, etc. 

Then they went & rehearsed for about an hour. 

Although none of the numbers won 1st Place in Grand Nationals they did a fabulous job on all 4 numbers!  All the routines in Grand Nationals were amazing.  I have no idea how the judges can pick one winner in each category. The winners will perform in Saturday night’s closing banquet. 

After Grand Nationals the team all went to the hotel bar area to get something to eat/drink. And to celebrate the fabulous week everyone had.  🥂

A little dance mom bonding with "coffee" aka margaritas made by Denise placed very descretly in coffee cups. 

The girls were all goofing around and made a comedy dance video on their phone. Here they are showing Ms. Shely & Miss Grace. 

And here’s one of the whole gang out by the pool bar at the end of the night. 

Only one event left now for DMA 2018, and that is the closing night Banquet Saturday night. Then we will be flying home Sunday morning. ✈️ So looking forward to getting home.  Can’t wait!!  

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