Sunday, July 26, 2015

Classes with Mandy Moore & Mia Michaels

Final day at Dancer Palooza. Had the opportunity to see some more dynamic performances on the Beat Street stage. 

The girls took 2 more workshop classes today. The first was supposed to be a contemporary class with Mandy Moore. But it was definitely jazz.  Hard hitting jazz!  Loved her teaching style. She got right down there with the class & demonstrated. 

The final class for the weekend was a contemporary class with Mia Michaels.  This was Zoe's favorite class of the weekend with Travis' being a close second. 

Mia looked good. 

Girls waiting for class to start. 

About 300 kids in the class. 

Zoe got to dance next to her favorite dancer, Tate (with the big bun). Here they are waiting for their turn to perform the combination. 

Unlike most of the other choreographers, Mia took the time after class to meet the kids, give them a hug & take pictures with them. 

Went to bathroom this morning & this is what I saw. This dancer was working at one of the booths in Beat Street & spent the last 3 days painted in white make-up. But she was still smiling!  

At the airport now. Flight delayed almost 2 hours. Bummer. But nonetheless we had a fabulous weekend and made lots of lasting memories. 

Until I blog again..........

Zoe and Jordan's Tribute to International Dance Day

I almost forgot to post!  Here's a picture Jordan took of Zoe from the window seating area our hotel room in honor of International Dance Day. Lovely! 

If you like this picture, follow Zoe on Instagram @zozothedancer 

International Dance Day at Dancer Palooza

Today was all about the dance crews at Dancer Palooza for International Dance Day. And we saw some amazing group performances. 

Here's Zoe fueling up to get her groove on in some workshops today. 

They had a huge screen out in the lobby of the convention center for those who preferred watching the performances on the screen instead of going inside to the Beat Street main stage. The quality of the video was insane.  It was so crisp it's almost like seeing it live. 

The main stage at Beat Street was truly Dancer Palooza in all it's Palooza glory! 

One of the many talented dance crews we saw. 

This group won on the reality show "America's Favorite Dance Crew". They put the funk in funky!  So fun to watch. The crowd loved them. 

Then we walked around Beat Street & did some shopping.  A dancers heaven of dance wear & accessories. A girl could go broke here!  We bought the coolest sparkle eye liner ever from a company called Eye Kandy.  We just couldn't resist.  They were all so pretty. We got 10 different colors!  Although Zoe was wanting all 40. 

Here's Zoe getting her eyes done to match her orange leotard. 

And Jordan got her's done in blue to match her dance outfit. 

The afternoon started with a jazz class from Tyce Diorio. He's one talented but crazy dude. 

Another packed class. And talk about tough. These choreographers aren't fooling around. I thought the combination seemed more hip hop than jazz. But what do I know. ;)

Jordan with Tyce after class. She just loves getting her picture taken with all the choreographer heavy weights that are here. 

And of course we had to get an autograph from Kalani from Dance Moms. Another great young dancer that the girls love who we got to see perform a solo. 

We ended our evening at a delicious Italian restaurant called L'Opera Ristorante. And were fortunate enough to be serenaded by the most beautiful opera singer with an ironic name- Sam A. Cappella. He told us, "No kidding, that's really my name."   

Tomorrow we will close out our dance extravaganza weekend with a few 
final workshops from 2 more top notch choreographers- Mandy Moore & Mia Michaels!  

Well it's now past midnight, the girls are fast asleep, & so I must go. Until we dance again..........

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nick Lazzarini and Travis Wall Workshops

Later in the afternoon the girls had the opportunity to take a few dance workshops. First was a jazz class taught by Nick Lazzarini who competed on So You Think You Can Dance. Man was it a tough combination he choreographed!  It was up beat & fast & of course the room was packed with kids. 

Here's the girls stretching before class. And before the room filled up.  

Now- filled up!  

And there's Nick

And the girls

After teaching the combination, he split them into 4 groups to perform it so they'd have more room. 

Waiting their turn to perform. 

Jordan & Nick after class. 

Then on to a contemporary class taught by Travis Wall. And there's Travis!

Both girls loved his class & I got a video of Zoe performing the combination he taught. Loved it!  And she looks amazing dancing it. 

Well that's all for tonight. Much more to come tomorrow. Until then......Dancer Palooza Mom over & out!  

Friday, July 24, 2015

Saw Some Of Our Favorite Young Dancers!

Such excitement & thrills already!!  The girls are seeing so many of their favorite young dancers perform & getting the opportunity to get autographs & pictures.

Jordan got a picture with Jojo from Dance Moms & an autographed poster as well. 

And Zoe did too!  That's obviously Jojo's selfie face. 

Zoe also got to see her favorite dancer, Tate, perform & they got a selfie together. 

That girl has some legs & she is crazy flexible. Just a beautiful dancer. 

We also got to see Gavin Morales, also from Dance Moms, perform.  He was amazing. Hard to believe he is only 10 years old!

OMG!! It's a Real Life Dance Mom

Yep- seeing dance "celebrities" already. It's Jojo's mom from Dance Moms!  It's not even Jojo, who Jordan can't wait to see, but nonetheless look how excited she is!

Here were are on our way to Beat Street. Going to see one of Zoe's favorite Instagram/You Tube dancers perform. Her name it Tate. 

Oh my- Beat Street is an extravaganza of music, lights, dancers & dance wear! 

And a pic with Kaylyn Slevin

First workshop for the afternoon is gonna be a contemporary class taught by Stacey Tookey!  I love her!! More later.....

Dancer Palooza 2015

We are all very excited to be attending Dancer Palooza this weekend down in Southern California at the Long Beach Convention Center. 

Despite being up at 3:45am, the girls were fired up to go! 

Quickly, however, the initial early morning rush wore off & sleep took over.  Look Audie is not only a girl's best friend, she makes a decent pillow as well. 

Got to our hotel to drop our bags off while waiting for our room to be ready, then headed over to the convention center to check-in & get our swag bags. 

Off to breakfast now & hoping for our hotel room to be ready afterwards so we can all get a nap in before Beat Street opens & workshops start this afternoon. 

Grisims in the house for Dancer Palooza!  Can I get a "What, What?!!!"

Right...........not cool. I know.