Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 8: Final Day of Competing Before Championship

The day started with Zoe competing her 2 final numbers of the regular competition. First was the last of her 3 solos. It was a modern routine called Sarajevo. 

Miss Grace doing her hair in a French twist as Zoe eats a little breakfast.

With Charlie prior to Charlie competing her solo. 

Jordan & Zoe all smiles after Zoe scores a Platinum for her solo!!

Jordan was feeling better this morning after having some more Tylenol and drinking some ginger ale.  Amazing!  Back to hanging with her buddy Sydney full of energy once again. 

Zoe before her last number, Nothing But the Water.  Zoe's favorite routine of the group numbers & another Platinum performance!!

getting one last team photo with the competition photographer. 

After Zoe's group competition Daddy needed to leave for the airport to fly home to go back to work. Bummer. We'll all miss him!  

Walked to lunch with Granddad, Grandma B & Grandma Kenlynn before Jordan needed to get ready to compete her final 3 group numbers. 

Miss Grace putting on Jordan's head piece for Gypsy. 

Zoe walking Jordan back to the dressing room after performing her first number. 

Rehearsing Jordan's favorite group number, a musical theater routine called My Strongest Suit. Time to get sassy!!

Jordan & her teammates prior to her last number, a lyrical routine to Silent Night. 

With Miss Grace who just happened to have on a matching outfit. 

Jordan's team surprised everyone & got Platinums for all 3 of their routines as well as a 1st Place for lyrical small group for Silent Night!  Not bad for only having half their team at Nationals & having to rechoreograph all their numbers 2 days before leaving for nationals. Nice job girls!

Well Jordan managed to hold up all day without any more fever & only a slight sore throat. Here she is prior to going to the Miss Dance of America competition this evening where Rachel, from our Chapter 1 in Southern California, competed. 

Sisters of Style 

And a final picture for the day of a view of Boston from our 15tg floor hotel room. 

Grandma Kenlynn flew home this evening & I had a great dinner with Granddad & Grandma B while the girls were watching the competition and cheering on Rachel. Missing Brad already!  

Tomorrow at noon will be the high score awards for the week of competing and we will find out if any of the Shely Pack numbers make it into the Grand National Championship tomorrow night. Good news is, we get to sleep in in the morning. 

Amen to that!  

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