Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 7: Early Morning Competing then Exhaustion

After the excitement of Tuesday night & getting to bed at 12:30am, 5:30am seemed to come VERY quickly this morning.  Zoe competed her first number at 7:30am so she had to be all ready & downstairs to meet her team at 6:30am.  Are you kidding me?!!  I feel like I just fell asleep!  

They competed an extended production number called Alice.  And I was so tired I only got one, no so got, picture of them rehearsing before competing. Despite being so early & everyone feeling drained,  they managed to pull out some energy from somewhere & did a spectacular job competing.  They actually did it the best I've seen them do that number. And they scored a Platinum!  

Next Zoe's team competed a contemporary number to Carol of the Bells. Once again, they totally nailed it!  Don't know how they do it on so little sleep.  And they scored.........another Platinum!  

Woo hoo!

After competing Zoe & I headed back to the room to get another hour of shut eye before lunch while Jordan did a Pop Dance workshop with her buddy Sydney.  

After Jordan's workshop we grabbed some lunch with Grandma Kenlynn.  Zoe ended up going straight back to bed to get some more sleep because she had her last audition, tap, later in the afternoon. 

Meanwhile Brad, Jordan, Grandma Kenlynn & I went on a Trolley tour through the city. Here's Grandma Kenlynn & Brad enjoying the tour. 

And here's Jordan with the post office that Frasier Crane, from the TV show Cheers, worked at pictured in the background. 

Half way through the tour Jordan started feeling sick and next thing I know she is asleep on my arm. Poor little tired sweet pea!  By the time we got back to the hotel she was running a fever & complaining of a sore throat & being nauseated. yikes!!  Her team competes 3 numbers tomorrow afternoon!!  Hope she rallies back by then. 

And Zoe, well she was so tired she forgot to set her alarm & slept straight right through her tap audition!  That is so not like Zoe. She obviously needed sleep more than she needed a potential high score award from her audition classes!  

Here's a quick pic of me reflected in the glass of the John Handcock building as I got in a power walk later in the afternoon. It was a gorgeous Boston summer day. 

And here's a little squirrel that a local guy was feeding peanuts to in the park. Man there were a lot of squirrels in that park!  At least 20 right in the area I was standing. 

So Jordan was out for the count at 6:30pm this evening therefore no dressing up in her crown & sash to go to the Teen Miss Dance of America competition to cheer on Courtney. 

But Zoe was looking good as she headed out to support her teammate. 

Courtney did great but didn't place in the top 10.  The talent was amazing as it has been in all the divisions. Here's Zoe with some of her teammates & Shely congratulating Courtney after her competition.  

Well tomorrow will be another busy day of competing- 2 for Zoe & 3 for Jordan. Hoping Jordan sleeps good tonight & kicks her fever so she'll be back in the game tomorrow & ready to compete.  Fingers crossed!  At the moment she is radiating a lot of heat next to me in bed. Ugh!  

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