Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 9: High Score Awards & Grand National Championship

Today was the competition High Score Awards followed by the Grand National Championship tonight. Here's some of the Shely Pack Dancers getting ready for the High Score awards ceremony to begin. 

And all the contestants on the stage for a group photo. Quite a talented group of kids!  

Awards were very exciting!!!  Out of 108 solos in Division 4, Zoe got 2nd Place for her contemporary solo called Gone!!!!  Unbelievable!!!  This is a solo that she dedicated to her cousin Jasmine who passed away in March & she dances it from the heart.  It was so beautiful to watch!  

Zoe after getting her award on stage. 

The junior team number, Silent Night, got 2nd Place Group in Division 2.  And Angel on Fire with Zoe, Jasmine, Courtney & Callan got 3rd Place Group in Division 3.  

For the Grand National Championship, Angel on Fire & Elements made it into the competition tonight. Therefore both girls will be competing again tonight.  One more time with hair & make-up!!  

Jordan looking for her hair piece for Elements.  I know it's in here somewhere!  

Found the head piece & look'in good!  

The girls did great in both numbers in the Grand National Championship!!  What a fun way to end the week. 

One last time to the stage for awards. 

Elements got 2nd place for a Production number in the Grand National Championship!!  The team was thrilled!!

Here they are accepting their award. 

Tomorrow is the final day of Nationals 2015. It's been quite a week & a half but we're ready to go home on Sunday.  One more day, one more event tomorrow evening, and one more photo opportunity............

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