Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 8 and Still Competing!

Got up this morning and guess what we did?  That's right, more hair and make-up!  Doing our part to keep the cosmetic industry in business. 

No one can do Charlie's hair but Miss Grace! 

Zoe had a dancers breakfast- yogurt and granola while stretching. 

After Zoe competed The Ruler and the Killer, a contemporary number that was awarded a Platinum score, Jordan went to do a musical theater dance workshop with her buddy Sydney. 

Off to class to get their groove on and show off their jazz hands. 

Sizing up the participants. 

Time to do a little shopping for, you guessed it, dance gear!

Here's some pics of the girls modeling their new swag. Dance bags compliments of Granddad and Grandma B. 

Nice abs girl! 

Jordan's got the pose down! 

Even some new hair accessories. Fits in very nice in our tropical surroundings. 

Who's hungry?  I am!  Let's go eat.......


Yummy steamed mussels!  Always a favorite. 

Jordan fueling up before her afternoon competition. 

And gotta get some veggies! 

And a lovely tuna tartar. Excellent! 

Ok- back to the room to get Jordan ready for her group lyrical number this afternoon. I'm am starting to go thru primping withdrawals. Need to do more hair and make-up STAT!  

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