Friday, July 4, 2014

Solo Preview done!! Unfortunately so is Zoe's toe!

Back at room after Zoe's solo talent preview. Shortly before Zoe was going to perform she was doing a turn and her pinky toe got caught on the carpet and bent backwards. We heard a little crack. Yikes!  A few tears but the show must go on. 

Here she is waiting to go in. 

Next up. 

Going in. No one is allowed to watch. Just the judges and your teacher. 

Closing the door. Mom was nervous! ;)

All done!  Slight limp coming out. 

Relieved to be done for the morning. 

Despite the hurt toe she feels good with how she did!

Charlie done in Teen division too. She said floor was slippery.  But lots of smiles. 

Heading back to room 

Pinky toe starting to swell and get purple. 

Time for ice and ibuprophen.  Oh a dancers life!  

Now for some downtime and lunch before her tap and ballet auditions this afternoon. And of course mom is sending lots of healing vibes to her toe!  All positives vibes welcome for this afternoon!!!

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