Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday- Preliminaries and Opening Night Party

Didn't get around to blogging yesterday so will get on it and share some pictures from Sunday.  Sunday was preliminaries and the start of the group competing. That night was the opening party. 

Zoe competed 3 numbers and Jordan competed 1. All 4 numbers scored in the highest Platinum range. Great way to start the group competition!! 

JP and Zoe and team practicing for Blackbird 

Love the back of Zoe's leotard for Blackbird. 

Zoe focusing before competing. 

Team backstage. 

Few words from Miss Grace before competing. 

Jordan stretching before her number

Mom helping Jordan stretch

Jordan warming up with her team. 

I was so proud of my little sweet pea!  She looked amazing on stage. Nailed her double pirouette!  

Last night was the opening party. All the regional title holders were introduced and did a procession into the party. Here's Zoe and Jordan. 

Zoe and JP

Zoe and Charlie

Zoe and Courtney

Zoe and Summer

Zoe and her buddies

Chapter 1 title holders with Shely dressed as a witch for the Haunted House themed party. 

Jordan and Cassidy

Jordan, Ashley, Tegan and Summer

Everybody having a good time. Lots of tiaras and banners!  

Brad and my parents arrived last night. 
Here's the girls with their Memere and Pepere

Zoe ended the night sound asleep with her toe/foot elevated on ice.  Toe/foot pretty sore and swollen after competing and then wearing heels at the party. Darn it!  

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