Saturday, July 5, 2014

Interviews and Acrobatics and Jazz Auditions

Today stsrted the day with an interview with the panel of judges. Zoe's toe is doing ok. The icing, ibuprophen and taping the toes has helped!  Thank goodness. Still some swelling and bruising but Zoe is in good spirits and feeling good for her interview. 

Charlie and Zoe

Zoe was pleased coming out of her interview. She achieved her objective, she made the judges laugh. 

Here's Zoe talking with Miss Shely and Miss Grace afterwards. 

Charlie and Miss Shely after Charlie's interview. 

Shely debriefing with both girls. 

Next was back to the room to get ready for afternoon auditions. 

Ok, how the heck do I do this thing?!

Did my first French twist!  

Well......a modified French twist. I called it the Warrior Bun.  It looked pretty cool if I do say so myself. Best part is Zoe liked it and it felt secure on her head. Whew!  A number of people complimented her on her hair. Woo hoo!  Mom scores extra points!!

Then back down to the convention center once again to stretch and prepare for her acrobatics audition. 

Go Number 11!!!

Feeling good after acro. Toe sore but didn't stop her on any of her tricks or balance moves. 

Next up was her Jazz audition. Man, who did that hair?!  ;)  yep, still bragging. 

She said she nailed Jazz!  Right on! 

Meanwhile back at the pool, Jordan has been enjoying herself with Charlie's sister Cassidy before competing starts tomorrow for her. 

Look out, here she comes!

Jordan and Cassidy bonding by the pool. 

Zoe stopped by to say hello before heading back to the room to get changed for the evening. 

The title contestants have to show the dress that they will wear for the awards ceremony of their division competition so the judges can approve it's the appropriate length. They take their rules very seriously!  Junior division dresses need to be tea length. 

Zoe loves her dress that she got in Chico over Easter. Thanks Aunt Nancy!

And just when you think the day should be over it's time for opening number rehearsal from 5p to 9p. At least she's still in good spirits and still smiling!  

What a day!  Team mtg in Shely and Grace's suite at 7:20p.  Jordan and I will represent. Tomorrow starts prelims for group competition and Brad and Zoe's Memere and Pepere fly in.  More exciting times ahead! 

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