Friday, July 11, 2014

Jordan's Team Wins 2nd Place in Grand National Finals

The Petite Team from the Shely Pack Dancers pulled out a surprise 2nd place win in the 12 and under category for groups in the Grand National Finals!!!  Jordan was beyond excited. 

All the girls competing were up on stage for the awards. 

Girls with Ms. Shely afterwards. The team won a $300 scholarship!  

My proud little sweet pea!  

After midnight. Time for bed. We get to sleep in tomorrow for the first time in 9 days!!!!  Woo hoo!!!  No alarm clock. 

Night, night Zoe.  She seems so grown up.  But nonetheless, Audie is close by under the chin. 

Good night Jordan Pie!  I am so proud of you.  Sleep well my sweet pea with your sweet little owl from Memere.  

And good night all.  Day 9 is a wrap! 

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