Monday, July 2, 2018

Day 4: Morning Competing 

This morning started the main competition. The Shely Pack Dancers were routine #1 competing at 7:30am.  Their first routine was a ballet number called Timelapse.  Here they are meeting up with Miss Grace before doing a quick run through. 

For a group of teens & pre- teens, rehearsing at 6:45am is well, kinda low energy. 

Team picture after competing Timelapse. It was a beautiful number but had a few issues with spacing on the stage & synchronization at certain parts. I still loved it! 

Here is the competition ballroom with the stage and two large screens on either side for those sitting further back. 

After the group number Zoe & Jordan competed their duet Ghost. It looked gorgeous. ❤️ They executed it perfectly in every way. It gave me chills. Not one bit of criticism I could give it. Well done girls!! 👏  So proud of you two. You have worked so hard on this number & it showed. 

This afternoon Zoe competes her pointe variation Giselle & then the team performs Flatline a modern dance number where everyone is a part of the body & Jordan is the heart. ♥️ Can’t wait to see it on stage! 

Until next I blog......


  1. Lis, look back at July 2011, Jordan was just a little girl... still your baby but look at her now...
