Friday, July 6, 2018

Day 7: Lotsa Competing & Miss/Mr Dance of America Competition 

Today was a busy day of competing. The Senior team competed 5 group numbers starting at 7:45am.  Zoe sure is flexible for being so early in the morning!

The first number was a contemporary called Spine. Tegan learned the routine in one day when she was asked by Miss Grace to fill in for Callan who broke her foot and couldn’t come to Nationals.  Nice job by all 4 girls.  They got a Platinum! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Here’s a picture Barry took of Zoe after they finished competing. Competing early mornings is fun?  More like, tiring! ๐Ÿ˜‚

It was really special to have my nephew Andrew & his girlfriend Megan come to visit us to watch the girls compete.  Was so great to see them & have the opportunity to catch up during breakfast in between the girls numbers.  California Dream’in, which is the outfit Zoe & Jordan have on below, got a Platinum & a Special Award for Creative Visual Interpretation.  

After breakfast the girls competed their hip hop number called Flawless. It didn’t do so well at the last competition so they weren’t shooting for a Platinum on this one, just something better than a Silver.  They ended up with a High Gold. They were happy about that!  ๐Ÿ˜ Hip Hop is definitely not their specialty, but they had fun with it. 

Was able to sneak a quick picture of them on stage before competing their hip hop routine. 

After Flawless they competed the number that Brad calls the shampoo commercial because they all wear their hair down in it. When their hair is not in their face, it’s a pretty lyrical number. Despite the hair being distracting in the number, they got a Platinum with it! ๐Ÿ’‡๐Ÿป‍♀️

Last up for the day was a musical theater number called Take Off with Us.  They use 3 ladders on the stage for this number.  My nephew Noah & his girlfriend Stephanie kindly picked up an 8 foot ladder from Home Depot for us to use in the routine. Callan’s mom was going to bring the ladder with them because they were gonna drive in a large van.  But since Callan broke her foot and couldn’t come to Nationals, we had no way to transport the ladder from Nor Cal to the Anaheim. Really appreciated their assistance getting it here! ❤️

Zoe & Jordan stretching while waiting backstage.  

Love this group shot. ❤️๐Ÿ–ค

Cute picture of the team all lined up in the competition ballroom to watch a number with all boys in it called, you guessed it, Boys! ๐Ÿ•บ We were all having boy envy since we don’t have any at our studio.  

This evening was the Miss/Mr Dance of America competition that Courtney competed in.  Although she didn’t place as a finalist she lite up the stage with her personality & style in her solo called Summertime.  ⭐️

One of Zoe’s friends from when she competed for Teen Miss Dance of America won Miss Dance. Here’s Zoe congratulating her & getting ready to give her a big hug. ๐Ÿค— Congratulations to Katie!  She was FABULOUS tonight in her jazz solo. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Tomorrow are the High Score & Division placement awards along with the announcements of which numbers will compete in the Grand National Finals tomorrow night. Hoping the girls might compete a few on their numbers in the finals.  ๐Ÿ™

Until tomorrow..... 

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