Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 3: Preliminaries, Modern Audition & Opening Night Gala

Such a busy day today with no time to blog. So here I go, power blogging before bed!!  Zoe, Jordan & team competed 3 group numbers in prelims. All 3 scored Platinums which is the highest score you can get. 

Had to start the day with hair & make-up of course! Thank goodness they are at the age where they both do their own make-up! 💄💋

Then a meet up with the team to rehearse. 

Here’s all the girls- Senior, Junior & Petite Company Dancers 

And the moms taking photos. 

First was Ice. An open extended number where they wear little lights on each hand. Very artistic number. 

Here’s Jordan putting her lights on her fingers. 

And Miss Grace having Tegan and Jordan practice the lift Tegan does with Jordan. 

Here’s the group heading back stage for Strings. Such a great dynamic number. Definitely a crowd pleaser! 

Debriefing with Shely & Grace after Strings was done. They really did great. However one of the elastic strings snapped on stage!  Luckily it snapped right on the count where they let it go so from the audience you couldn’t even tell. 

And last for prelims was a contemporary number called California Dream’in. Remake of the classic song with an eerie overtone. It was a subset of the Senior Co. in this number. They danced it beautifully!  

From 5:30p to 7pm Zoe had a Modern Dance audition. There were about 50 that did it and they pick one winner who is announced on Friday. Here’s Zoe on her way to the audition. 

Tegan and Sydney also did the Modern audition. 

Here’s the judges for the scholarship auditions. 

In the afternoon Jordan took a ballet workshop. When the title contestants are not competing or rehearsing they take workshop classes in different types of dance. 

At then end of the day was the awards ceremony for Prelims. They don’t give place awards for prelims, just an individual score per routine. Since most of the Shely Pack Dancer numbers have previously qualified for Nationals at other competitions this year, they only needed to compete 3 in Prelims today. 

Sunday evening was the opening Gala where all the title contestants do a procession on the stage. Here’s Jordan on our patio before we left the room. 

And with some of the Junior contestants prior to lining up for the procession. 

And here’s all the Junior contestants on the stage. 

There’s Jordan. The one with the long legs in the purple. 

And our Chapter 1 girls. 


Dance friends. 

And lastly, a cheers from some of the dance moms. 🥂

Tomorrow the girls compete their first number at 7:30am. They are first up with routine #1 in the competition. Zoe & Jordan will also compete their duet Ghost tomorrow. Very excited for that!  Brad and Grandma Kenlynn also arrive tomorrow.  Another action packed day ahead. 

But now I must say nighty, night to all! 😴

1 comment:

  1. They must go thru gobs of makeup... I have to laugh when you refer to yourself as a "dance Mom". I think of Abby Lee...
