Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 2: Ballet & Jazz Auditions for Jordan

Saturday afternoon Jordan had her last 2 auditions for Junior Miss Dance, one in Ballet & one in Jazz. Jordan was ready to go & happy to be on day #2. 

After stretching outside the ballroom, the contestants were all called back in to start the auditions. 

Jordan thought both auditions went really well. She said it felt good to feel like she did her best. Whew!  All the major competing for Junior Miss Dance is complete. Now she just has rehearsals for the opening number for the Tuesday night Junior Miss/Mr Dance competition which of course includes the solo portion of the competition.  

Jordan concluded the day with another 4 Hour rehearsal from 5pm to 9pm.  What a day!  Here are all the Junior contestant parents getting instructions for tomorrow night’s Gala celebration which marks the official beginning of PAC, the Performing Arts Competition for DMA. There is a parade of all the regional title holders at the start of the gala where they all wear their dresses, crowns & banners again and everyone participating in the competition is in attendance. It’s a fashion show of gowns, sequins, sparkle, colors, bling & poof. I love it!  ðŸ’•

Tomorrow also begins preliminaries for any group numbers which have not previously qualified at a Dance Masters regional competition. Zoe, Jordan & the Shely Pack Dancers Senior & Junior Co. will compete 3 numbers tomorrow.  Should be an exciting day. 

Well it’s 11:30pm, I am pooped & the girls are both asleep. All in all, it was a great day but time to pack it in. 

Group competing here we come!!  ðŸ‘¯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

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