Monday, July 5, 2021

Day 1: Heading to Dallas for DMA Nationals 2021

This Day 1 post will likely be my longest since we are on the plane and I have lots of time to write.  Lucky you. 😜

After many months of preparation, we are excited to be heading to Dallas. As I mentioned in my first post, it seems as if we packed half the house. I hope we didn’t forget anything. 🤪  We certainly did not forget shoes!  I think between the 3 of us we have close to 20 pairs of shoes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ As Brad always says, “the shoes make the outfit”. Our outfits will definitely be made!  ⭐️ 😂

Just a little background on what this is all about for those that want it. In order to compete in the Dance Masters of America Solo Title Competition, which Jordan and Zoe both are competing in, you need to first win the Title at a Dance Masters regional competition. Dance Masters of America has Chapters all over the US and Canada. 

Our chapter is Chapter 1: Dance Masters Pacific Coast. Each chapter has many dance studios from that region that participate in the chapter.  There are 4 age divisions & each one has a male and female category: Petite Miss/Mr. (ages 7 to 9); Junior Miss/Mr. (ages 10 to 12); Teen Miss/Mr. (ages 13 to 15); & Miss/Mr. (ages 16 & up).  In March, Jordan won Teen Miss Dance Pacific Coast and Zoe won Miss Dance Pacific Coast.
All the title winners from all the chapters around the US and Canada come together to compete for the National Title.  The contestants need to submit a head shot, a dance action photo, and a resume.  They will compete & be scored in audition classes in ballet, jazz, modern, tap, and acrobatics.  They will be taught a dance combination in each type of dance and perform it back for the judges. They will also do a scored panel interview with the judges. No spectators are allowed for this part of the competition. 

There are 5 judges and the highest and lowest score from the 5 judges for each event will be thrown out. The 3 scores in the middle will be the ones that count for the contestant’s overall score for that event. 

The highest number of points comes from the final night of the Title competition. This is where each contestant performs a solo dance in whatever genre of dance that they choose.  Both Zoe and Jordan will be doing a contemporary dance.  All of the contestants also do a big opening number dance that they learn during the first few days of the competition and perform at the start of the solo competition. 

Jordan is contestant number 24 and competes her solo for Teen Miss Dance of America on the night of Wednesday July 7th. Zoe is contestant number 10 and competes her solo for Miss Dance of America on the night of Thursday July 8th. Spectators are allowed at the solo competition and it will also be live streamed for anyone remote to view. 

There is also a Performing Arts Competition (PAC) where anyone not competing in the Title competition can compete a solo. There also is group competing in PAC where Zoe and Jordan will be competing their 2 duets together- one a contemporary number & one is a jazz number.  

The Junior Competition Team from Shely Pack Dancers will be competing 4 group numbers in PAC  along with solos.  Sophia won Junior Miss Dance Pacific Coast and will be competing in the Junior Title Competition. Unfortunately none of the Shely Pack Dancers Senior Competition Team came to Nationals this year. 😢

In addition to the competing, there also are dance workshop classes in all styles of dance throughout the day, everyday.  When dancers are not competing or in rehearsals, they are in workshop classes. The days are long, starting earrly each morning and going until 11pm or later each evening. It’s an exhausting week and half, but so many great experiences and connections are made. 

And so the adventure begins. This will be Jordan’s 6th Nationals and after 11 years, with Zoe’s first Nationals being in 2011, this will be Zoe’s 8th Nationals and the final competition of her dance career. 😭  Both girls have had a great run with so many wonderful DMA memories over the years.  Here’s to many more for Jordan, and one last one for Zoe…….. Go Get’em Ladies!! 💃🎉💯

Spirits are high and the girls are ready to do this thing!💥

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