Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Day 6: More Duet Success and a Marathon Day

Today Zoe and Jordan competed their second duet. They were competing at 8:30am so we were up at 5:30am CT. Yikes!  If you happen to have a teenager, you know how early that is for them. 

Nonetheless, stretching and rehearsing ensued with gusto. 😁


Once again the girls crushed it & got a Platinum!  The Platinum awards this year are few and far between. So proud of both of them. This contemporary duet, called Ghost, has been such an amazing duet for Zoe and Jordan.  Thank you to Grace for the fabulous choreography!  I love everything about this number. 


Immediately after competing both girls went to rehearsals for their opening number of their Title competition.  Jordan got out of rehearsal around 11am but Zoe was there until 12:30pm.  After Zoe got out of rehearsal we grabbed a quick lunch and then Jordan went to a few workshop classes, one was HipHop and the second was Musical Theater. Both classes had great choreographers with great combinations.  


Zoe unfortunately pulled a muscle in her leg during rehearsal so we got her some ibuprofen, she iced it, took a bath, iced it again, and rubbed some hemp cream on it, and then just chilled in the room for the remainder of the afternoon to rest it. 

This evening was the Junior Miss/Mister Dance of America competition where Sophia from our studio was competing. She did such a beautiful job in the opening number as well as with her solo! ♥️ We are so proud of her. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the girls with her.  But here they are in the ballroom prior to the competition starting.  All the contestants from the other Title competitions wear their sashes & crowns to watch the other divisions compete. 


After the Junior competition, all the Teen contestants (which Jordan is one) had a rehearsal on the stage since it’s the only time they can get on the stage since competing starts again at 7:30am. They rehearsed starting at 10:30pm for about an hour.  We got back to the room at 11:45pm.  Man, what a marathon, 18 hour day!  

Good news is, Jordan gets to sleep in tomorrow (or rather today since it’s 12:30am now).  But Zoe needs to be up by 7am for a rehearsal, so you know what that means?  That means this dance mom will be up at 7am as well.  🤪 Sleep definitely is not a priority at DMA. 😂

Good night all!  Tomorrow Brad arrives to see Jordan compete tomorrow night. Will be great to have him here and so excited to see Jordan compete tomorrow night!. ♥️

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