Monday, July 5, 2021

Day 5: Black and Gold Jazz Duet

This morning Zoe and Jordan competed a jazz duet called Black and Gold.  They had just learned it 2 weeks ago, after their recital was over, and they had never performed in on stage before. They were definitely nervous about nailing it but, BOOM! they crushed it! They embodied the very stylistic elements of the routine, the music was great, they were mirror images of each other and connected as a duo, not to mention the fabulous choreography by Grace Pack!  It had all the makings of a great number and they delivered. ⭐️

Fortunate enough, about an hour before they competed I found out they were live streaming it.  We thought they were only live streaming the evening Solo Title Competition.  But I happened to click on the link and there was the PAC competition being live streamed as well. Not even Grace or Shely knew they were streaming the PAC competition. So I quickly emailed and text the family so they were able to watch it. Icing on the cake for sure to have them able to see it. 🥰

The day started with both of them needing to get hair amd make-up on, then they needed to go to rehearsal, starting at 8:30am CT, for the opening number of their Solo Title Competition.  About 10 numbers prior to their duet I went and got both of them out of rehearsal, they changed into their costumes, I put their headpieces on, and they quickly stretched and reviewed their routine.  

Here they are stretching prior to competing.  

And ready to go! 🎶

Happy girls afterwards. Always such a relief for me afterwards when they are happy with how they did. Whew! 😅 And the family LOVED it. 🥰 

They ended up scoring a Platinum for it! 🔥 Platinum is the highest score you can get and they only gave 13 Platinums out of the 81 numbers that competed in the morning session, with only one other duo/trio besides theirs getting a Platinum.  

They are now in the running to compete again during the Grand National Finals on Friday.  Friday afternoon they announce the Top 5 Duo/Trios to compete in Grand Nationals. There are 64 duo/trios in the 13 and Over category so Top 5 is tough, but we’ll see….

Competing done, back to rehearsal…..

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