Sunday, July 4, 2021

Day 4: Junior Company Starts Competing and Workshop Classes

Today the Shely Pack Dancers Junior Co started competing.  Gianna killed it with her solo & got a High Gold score.

Here’s the fabulous Junior Competition Team from Shely Pack Dancers, most who arrived yesterday.

Here’s Jordan helping put on the false eyelashes on Olivia before competing. Darn false eyelashes, always a challenge.  But Jordan has this skill down.

This afternoon both Zoe & Jordan were in workshop classes. Jordan took 4 classes- Modern; Jazz Funk; Tap; & Ballet. Each class had different teachers.  Zoe took Jazz & Modern.  

After classes we had a quick dinner with Shely, Grace  & Gianna, then Zoe & Jordan practiced their jazz duet with Grace.  They compete it tomorrow morning. They just learned it 2 weeks ago.  Can’t wait to see it on the stage. It’s really great! 🔥

Tonight is the Opening parade of contestants and Party. Time to go get ready. I’ll do one more post later before bed. Happy 4th of July to all!  ♥️🤍💙

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