Saturday, July 3, 2021

Day 3: Interview w/ the Judges

Today started for Zoe and Jordan with a panel interview with the 5 judges. Definitely a nerve wracking situation but both girls felt really good with how they did. And…they were looking good too. ⭐️

For Zoe, each of thr 5 judges had an opportunity to ask her a question. The first judge asked her how she planned to utilize her dance training & education in the future. She talked about how she wants to major in psychology & focus on weaving in her dance background & training with the emphasis being on health, wellness, and mental health of young people. She talked the importance for young people to be active and move their bodies and how that helps with their self confidence, self esteem, along with mental and emotional health.  

The next judge asked her if she won a million dollars today what she would spend it on. She said she would use it to start her own business & build her brand, buy a building/location, and do marketing and networking. 

She was asked if she could be any type of dance shoe, what would she be & why?  She said a pointe shoe and talked about how it’s hard and not flexible in the beginning just like things are in real life. But the more you work at a pointe shoe the more flexible it becomes and the greater confidence you have dancing with them and again making the parallel to taking on new things in life.  This is mom paraphrasing from what Zoe told me of course. πŸ˜‚ Zoe was a ton more articulate!  

The forth judge asked her about the difference between competing at YAGP vs DMA.  (These are 2 very different types of dance competitions that Zoe has competed at & won awards at for those that might be wondering.) She talked about how at YAGP participants tend to be focused only on themselves and it is all about ballet and very technical.  Whereas DMA is a much more friendly, diverse & inclusive atmosphere with all types of dance where you can easily make friends and build relationships that last of a lifetime. 

Lastly she was asked what was the greatest lesson she learned during the pandemic.  She said that in the beginning of lockdown it was very isolating for her and she found doing zoom dance classes to be difficult and just not the same without having the in person connections with her friends and teachers. She said she learned how important it is to reach out to people and make those connections because you never know who might need it.

Jordan was asked about her favorite type of dance to choreograph (because on her resume she put her experience with, and love of, choreographing).  She said that Broadway and Jazz were her favorites because you have a lot of artistic freedom with both of them. And she talked about the challenge of working with kids who were not dancers when she choreographed for her school musicals. But how it taught her patience but also how much she grew and learned from that experience and how great it was to see everyone come together as a group. 

They asked her how she has changed over the past 5 years.  She said that she has realized and become much more grateful for everything she has and all the opportunities that have come her way.  She said that the pandemic in particular made her realize how lucky she has been to be able to travel and experience different cultures and how much those travels have changed her. 

One judge asked which place and culture had the greatest impact on her.  She said Japan  because their culture is one that everything they do is done for a purpose and has meaning. She talked about the  l Tea Ceremony that we attended and how each step has a specific meaning. She tied in how that has influenced her life and has brought home the importance of having purpose and meaning and passion for the things you do in life. 

Well I think they might have asked Jordan one more question, but it escapes me now.  I had all these details from listening to them both relaying their interviews to me, then their dance teachers, and then to Brad. Hey, I’m in full tilt dance mom mode this week so this is all I have to remember. I think I did pretty good. 😜

Here’s some more pictures from this morning. Some with Shely, amd Grace, and some with Sophia who also crushed felt like she crushed it in her interview. Boom! πŸ’₯ 

When did these girls get so tall?!

Very proud of all three girls today!  They made their chapter, and their dance studio, proud.  ♥️

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