Sunday, July 3, 2011

Amazing first day of Competition!!

Zoe and Jackie competed their duet today in preliminaries.  They totally aced it & scored a Gold!!  The number was absolutely beautiful.  They were perfectly synchronized and danced it with all their heart!!  Breathtaking!  Ms. Grace would have been so proud.  They will be competing in the finals on Wednesday.  Tomorrow Zoe will compete her solo.  She is very excited.  Lots more to come!!  Went to a great opening night party tonight.  Zoe is loving every bit of the experience so far.  We are greatful to be here and to have this opportunity.  Dustin arrives in the morning.  Have not seen her in 3 or 4 years.  Can't wait to give her a big hug!  Also Zoe's Great Uncle Mitch and Aunt Pam (Pepere's brother & his wife) will be coming tomorrow to see her compete.  Should be another amazing day.  Here's some pictures from the day!  Night, night!
Hair and Make-up

Stretching while waiting for Jackie

Zoe & Jackie pre-performance

Looking good and feeling good!

Final stretching

Post competing- lots of smiles!
Opening night party- Jackie is Miss Dance of California!

Shely is so proud of Zoe

Zoe trying out the stage before her solo competition tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was having so much fun!!!!!! Looks like a LOT of great memories you will have. Can't wait to see you!!!! Love Dad!
