Sunday, July 10, 2011

Final post for Nationals 2011

So we are home now!  Up at 4:30am ET after getting to bed at midnight.  It was a fabulous trip but we are both so happy to be home.  As Zoe put it last evening as we were walking back to the room from the closing banquet, "It was fun but it's time for the journey to end."   My sentiments exactly!  The closing banquet/party was very cool.  All the top winners performed.  Some amazing stuff!  Unbelieveable.  And Jordan had a fabulous week in Chico with Memere, Pepper, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Tom and her cousins Lily and Luke.  She couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had.  We are so lucky to have such an amazing family!  So here's a few pictures from our final night as well as our homecoming.  Daddy sure was happy to have his girls back home again!
Zoe before the closing banquet

Zoe made a friend at the party

Final shot of Zoe and Shely

At the airport and ready to get home!

Zoe and Jordan happy to be together again!

Daddy had flowers and balloons to congratulate Zoe

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