Friday, July 8, 2011

Final awards ceremony brings more success for Zoe!

This evening they held the awards ceremony for the whole PAC (Performing Arts Competition) portion of the Dance Masters of America competition.  At this ceremony they gave the High Score awards for the 12 yr. old and under division & 13 yr old and over division.  Zoe ended up getting 6th place overall in the 12 and under division for her solo out of 200 solos!!  Pretty huge!!  I could not be more proud of her!!  She has worked so hard and has been dancing 15 hours a week this past year and it all paid off.  Especially impressive considering this is her first time ever to Nationals!!  Here's a run down of her awards for the week: Gold score for her duet w/ Jackie in Preliminaries.  Platinum score and 3rd Place in the category for her duet in the Finals.  Platinum score and 2nd Place in the category for her solo in the Finals (she did not have to do Prelims. for her solo because she had previously qualified at the California title competition in November where she got First Runner Up).  Plus a Judges Special Award titled: "You Are Amazing" given for her solo.  Then a High Score award and 6th Place Overall for her solo in the 12 and under division.  Right on Zoe!!

6th place out of 200 solos!!

All her awards for the week! 

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