Friday, July 8, 2011

Jackie wins some awards at the Miss Dance Competition!

Last night Jackie competed in the Miss Dance of America title competition.  She did an amazing job!!  The talent in the competition was over the top!!  Man can these kids dance!  And do acrobatics!  They blow your socks off.  And although Jackie did not place in the competition, she did get the congeniality award that was voted on by all the contestants (girl has a fabulous personality and one of the sweetest people you could ever meet) and she also got the award for the top essay that they all had to write.  The topic was "What dance has done for me."  Next year she is off to Arizona for college and she will be a pre-med major (she wants to be an orthopedic surgeon because of all the dance injuries she has had in her past) and she will minor in dance.  Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of her last night (it's been a long week and I slacked off  in the final hours!!).  But here are a few of the Miss Dance contestants and one of her parents before the competition.
Miss Dance of America contestants

Jackie was contestant #9

Don and Jan prior to Miss Dance competition

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