Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prepping for Duet Competition

Thought I'd blog this AM prior to going down to compete.  Found out via a call from Jackie's mom at 8am that Zoe and Jackie will be competing their duet this morning instead of this afternoon.  So our day begins- eat breakfast, brush teeth, hair and make-up and stretching.  Both Zoe and I are getting this routine down (no pun intended).  Our morning routine is choreographed and synchronized to perfection.  Ok, pun intended this time!  They will be competing between 11am and 12noon ET and then awards will be at 12:30pm.  Will post again later today.  Wish them luck!!  And of course, the pictures.......
Hair and make-up once again!

Nice job Lisa if I do say so myself!

Bow to match the costume of course!

Perfect balance of slicked and curls. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, do not try this at home!

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