Saturday, July 13, 2013

Nationals Day 2: Afternoon/Evening

Did some shopping after lunch and Zoe and I bought masks for the opening night party tomorrow night. 

While we were out shopping Miss Grace called to see if Zoe could come to a teachers acrobatics workshop she was attending to be her student assistant. So we raced back to the hotel and Zoe attended acro class for a few hours while I went to the gym and worked off lunch. 

Then we were out again for another great meal. 

We started with a blue crab and watermelon gazpacho. Yummy!

Zoe had a pecan crusted catfish for her entree. Very decadent!

And I had a Swordfish Panzanella. Oh so tasty!!

Then the Shely Pack Dancers all met in Shely and Grace's room for a team meeting. 

Now back in the room for an early night to bed. Tomorrow the competition begins with preliminaries and Zoe will be competing 8 numbers starting at 9am. Gonna be a busy and exciting day!  

Back at home Brad stumbled on a 5th Anniversary party at New Leaf today and had some tasty treats of his own. 

Jordan is having a blast with her cousins in Chico and their new kitten. She went to the Farmer's market this am and then swam in the pool this afternoon. We've talked to her 5 times on FaceTime. We miss her. 

Ok, off to bed now. Tomorrow will be an early morning as Zoe wants to be up by 6:30a so she'll have plenty of time to get ready and stretch before her first number at 9:14am. Let the competition begin!  

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