Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nationals Day 8: Zoe Competes in Grand National Championship!

Yesterday evening was the topper of a fabulous week for us. Zoe was one of only 5 solos across the entire competition in the 12 and Under category to make it into the Grand National Championship last evening!!  This is a huge accomplishment and honor. We were both thrilled and this is something Zoe so deserved!!  

Red Violin also made it to the Championship last evening as one of 5 Small Line numbers in the 13 and Over category. Snowflake Waltz (with Zoe on pointe as the Snowflake Queen) made it as one of 5 for Production numbers and Brotsjur made it as one of 5 for Extended 

Only 60 numbers out of 1100 from the entire competition made it to the Championship last evening.  So Zoe and the Shely Pack Dancers had an amazing showing!!  

Zoe dressed and ready to compete her Until We Bleed contemporary solo in the Championship. 

Listening to her music and getting in competition mode. 

Shely and Miss Grace talking to the team before competing Brotsjur. 

Callan and Zoe before Brotsjur
Jasmine and Zoe

Touching up make-up before Red Violin 

Zoe and JP rehearsing w/ Miss Grace for Red Violin

Zoe and JP rehearsing again for Snowflake Waltz. And Zoe thought she was done with pointe for the competition!  Hee, hee. 

For the Championship they only give a 1st Place in each category. So although Zoe's solo or the group numbers didn't take 1st last night, just being in the Grand Nationals Championship at this huge competition is a major deal!  

Today we are gonna hit the flea market after Zoe wakes up (it's 10:30a and she's still sleeping) and then the girls have one more rehearsal at 3pm today and then a final performance tonight. The whole Shely Pack Dancers team is performing in the closing night banquet doing a tribute to Shely since she is the President of Dance Masters of America this year. They are doing a routine to Amazing Grace.   

So one more go round with hair and make-up tonight and then we have a 6am flight home tomorrow!  

Tonight's banquet is a masquerade ball so it should be fun. We have our masks and are ready to party.  Well after Zoe wakes up that is, I'm sure she'll be ready to party!  ðŸ˜€ 

And then sleep for a week........

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