Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nationals Day 9: Last Day in NOLA

After our exciting Friday night and getting to bed after 1:30am, Zoe slept until 11:30am the next day. She had a final rehearsal at 3pm for the opening number at the closing banquet so we decided to go walk around, have some lunch and do some shopping for gifts. 

Miss Grace talking to the team prior to rehearsal. 

Rehearsing on stage. Zoe dancing with JP for the last time this dance season. 

Final time for hair and make-up. 

Zoe ready to perform to Amazing Grace at the opening of the banquet. 

Junior Co. after performing

Senior Co. minus Abi who left early in the AM for her cousin's wedding. 

Junior and Senior Co. 

With the Petite Co. that went to Nationals- Summer, Ashley and Tegan. 

Closing Night Masquerade Ball 

At the banquet

Junior company ready to party

Zoe and Charlie

Zoe with Jasmine and Hillary

Lynnette and Callan

Zoe and Mari

Jessica and Zoe

Gabby and Zoe

Carmen and Zoe

Miss Grace and Zoe


Jim Manning (Shely's husband) 

Honored guest- Dancer/Choreographer Alonzo King

We had a blast and it has been an amazing experience from start to finish but we are ready to go home. To bed at midnight to be up at 3:45am for our flight home. 

Good Night and Good Bye New Orleans and Dance Masters of America 2013!!!

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